WHERAS we the citizens of New Orleans, including but not limited to the neighborhoods of Hollygrove and Mid-City submit the following resolution pertaining to the potential re-routing of trains through Hollygrove/Mid-City;
WHEREAS we strongly support the efforts of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to increase transportation equity and to more fully evaluate the environmental benefits of all transit projects, including the avoidance of practices which result in discrimination and segregation;
WHEREAS we wholeheartedly believe that the re-routing of the trains from a higher income, predominantly white community to a lower income minority community demonstrate a lack of commitment by relevant governmental agencies to meet their civil rights obligations potentially creating a case for environmental racism under Title VI, and;
WHEREAS we believe that exposing our communities to pollutants and cancer causing agents from trains poses both shore term and long term threats to the health of our community especially to the health of our children, and;
WHEREAS we believe that the re-routhing of the trains poses a threat to the health of our business community both logistically and potentially through expropriations, and;
WHEREAS we believe that the re-routing of the trains with the potential hazards of noise and environment pollution, and potential of derailments will deter residential and community development causing property values to be driven down.
RESOLVED, that the citizens of New Orleans categorically and unequivocally oppose the re-routing and expansion of any and all trains through the Middle Belt including but not limited to the neighborhoods of Hollygrove and Mid-City. We also categorically and unequivocally reject the possibility of any concomitant mitigation.
RESOLVED, that the citizens of New Orleans, including but not limited to the neighborhoods of Hollygrove and Mid-City, will work with and collaborate with all governmental agencies, parties, and advocacy organizations to ensure that our stance against re-routing and expansion of trains through our communities is honored and accepted.